Ghosts from the past?

Last night, at around eight, a friend of mine received a QUOTE.  I won't put the QUOTE here, but it was quite uncanny for she thought of asking me, among some others, what it meant.


No.  I don't think the quote opened a can of worms,  a closet full of skeletons, and all that jazz.  The funny thing is that when someone from my Easter Present posted something similar to it,  it did bring a lot of memories. A little later after that post from EP my friend texted me.  Is it a coincidence or what? 

The guy who sent me exactly that QUOTE sent to my friend last night is still a good friend.  His wife knows about me.  She likes me too.  As a matter of fact, their first child is one of my MANY godchildren.  

It's just that the QUOTE was quite an enigma to me when I received it.  Here's his explanation after I begged him to explain it to me.  I kind of got it, but it was so cryptic that I had to be sure. It was written in 1997(this is just an's a private letter...I owe it to him, even if I am not going to broadcast who he is, to keep most of the parts private):  
I have been searching for love for a very long time and haven't found it. You woke up my sleeping heart. You are such a giving person. It is just so bad that even when I found you when I least expected it, and you ignited the flames of passion, you already found someone else. Truly  _______(the start of the QUOTE, so I can't share it here). If you force happiness you would never be happy so I would never force you to love me back. If you love me back it has to be on your own volition. That is what my text to you means. I couldn't tell you directly because you are so intimidating. I now let you go. I can't be just your friend.  

It took a while before we became friends again.  It was after his honeymoon when we started to make amends.  How cool is that?

I was really intimidating back then.

Nowadays A LOT, and thankfully not all, of people THINK that I am a pushover.  That they can trample all over me, and I would just be like a meek sacrificial lamb, and say nothing.  Well, those people don't know me at all. I am like the Hulk when I'm angry, and you wouldn't like or love me when I'm REALLY angry.

That person who wrote me an email when not everyone had access to the Internet in this country yet, and text messaging was fairly new, got to see that intimidating side of me.  What's worse for him that time was that my heart belonged to someone else. He still loved me unconditionally, but he went away.  Thankfully, he attended a seminar with "healing of memories".  He met his future wife "there" and the rest is history.  He's now so far away, but we're good friends until now.

The good thing about this "reminiscing" is that if I was just guessing before if the guy who sent my friend that cryptic quote likes her, now I am quite sure.

He is not a chaste man, and he has been spreading his wild oats here and there, but it's the first time that he felt like "that".  It's the first time his heart fluttered the way it is fluttering right now...because of my friend.

It's just that, even if he's free, he cannot express himself without looking like he is taking advantage of her, because of their wide age gap(my friend is more than ten years younger than me, and the guy is a few years older than me).

Plus there's this separada who kind of put him on a leash, and is threatened by my friend's presence. That separada even blocked my friend on FB. Duh?!?


Eleven years ago this same friend had a similar situation. Similar, but different. 

It kind of reminded me of the similarities and differences between two men in my past...wait, the other one is still very much around, and the other one, I still see him from time to time...well, the FEELINGS are in the past, but somewhere inside the deep recesses of my heart, they are still there.

My friend is quite intimidating too.  It's not that he has anything to be ashamed of, but...

Oh well...

The only "thing" I could do right now is to PRAY, and that is the BEST "thing".


Thanks for your time.


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