Halo-Halo Lessons

Disclaimer:  This is NOT a blog entry about making Halo-Halo/Haluhalo(A famous Filipino dessert similar to a lot of Asian shaved ice delights) or its ingredients.  ;-)
Now that summer is practically over and the month of May is about to end,  I think I should write about some of the things I have learned in the recent past to remind me of them in the future.  There are so many lessons, but I'll just choose those notes I could understand and those I could remember.  I think the saying "Mas malinaw ang malabong tinta ng ballpen kesa sa memoria." is very, very true, but even so, my penmanship is the pits at times because of my very wobbly hands.

Note:  The lessons are not in chronological order and I must say,  not according to importance.


VOLTAIRE- He published Treatise on Tolerance in which he outlines his particular form of deism, a natural religion which most philosophers would adopt and shape to fit their own ideas. He believed that the most inhuman crimes were caused by religion. Voltaire was also a huge supporter of empiricism.

We have lots of his work at home, but I can't say he's a favourite.  I don't even agree with everything he has written, but there are those that I have some sort of opinion...notes to self type of things...that are most probably not what the Philosopher meant:

This is only applicable to humans.  God in all His goodness allows us to tell Him what we truly feel even if He already knows. 

I believe in God and I love Him and it's only a fool who says that there is no God, but if ever God does not exist, it is quite necessary to invent Him because even if a lot of people believe there is no God, there is some need to seek a Higher Power for inexplicable things.  I have seen many atheists, but not all, of course, call upon "a god" in dire emergency. The genius called Carrie Pilby, even if she was not sure if God exists, talked to God, just in case He exists.  I could cite a bunch of other situations, but then again, this would be a longer blog entry.


A few people know that I left the fold as a young girl and went back to this fold when I was in in my twenties.  I am almost fifty now, so I could say that I have lingered here more.  

I must reiterate that I don't regret going out of the fold because I was able to enrich my faith and knowledge of Jesus.  I also cherish the friends and brethren-in-Christ I met during my stay in that "other" fold.

One thing I admire about our separated brethren is their true love for God.  They would shout to the rooftops about how great God is and they are not ashamed to proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord.  They would study His life on earth to get to know Him more. #BookOfLIFE  #SeveralsBooksCompiledIntoOne #TheHolyBible

Thankfully, there are now lots of brothers and sisters in this fold who want to know Him more too.

Our separated brethren respect Mama Mary, but they just could not fathom her perpetual virginity(if we could fathom everything, then our minds would explode).

Yes, they accept the Virgin Birth, because it was spoken through the prophets, but her perpetual virginity, they could not accept because they believe that after completing her "mission", God was kind to St. Joseph and they were granted offspring(link one)The Jews call their cousins brothers and sisters too.  Anyways, we would find out for sure when it's our time to cross over(link two).

Some do accept her being Theotokos(God bearer), but NOT MĆ­tir TheoĆŗ(Mother of God).  The truth is, they mean the same "thing". 

OK, I won't expound on this anymore for I have no right.  I am NOT a Theologian.

One hundred years ago Our Blessed Mother appeared to three shepherd children who were not really very knowledgable about our faith in God.  Even if a lot of people claim they just invented things, how could three children do that? Do they have the capacity? Yes, there are prodigies everywhere, but they did not have the means to study the faith.  They were growing up in a time where the leaders did not prioritise God or did not believe in God at all.

The six-month celebration started last May 13 this present year, elevating the Blessed ones to be being Saints(St. Jacinta and St. Francisco Marto).  

The questions about the three secrets emerge again.  

"Are they real?"

"Are they merely coincidences?"

"What's the truth?"

"Were the children foretold of Pope John Paul II's attempted assassination?"

The apparitions really happened and The Miracle of the Sun is documented by a former atheist, Avelino de Almeida, then Editor-in-Chief of O SĆ©culo, and there were other secular newspapers that covered the event that occurred on October 13, 1917.

What's important is that we are reminded of the importance of prayer, penance/sacrifice and conversion.  Mama Mary only wants the best for her children, even if it does not seem that way at first.

The Rosary is a mini Bible that teaches us to be patient and converts us(inner change).  

From Christian Bookaholic

An Excerpt from Father Kit's Homily
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and to the ages(forever). -Hebrews 13:8

  1. Connected to the past (Yesterday) -We are people of History
  2. Cooperation (Today)
  3. Commitment (Forever)- God is not bound by time and space--God is selfless. 

Let us not be overwhelmed with difficulties.  The Light of God shines day by day.   God's love is everlasting.  We just have to continue to trust in Him.  He knows what is best for us.


Today, the last day of May, something happened to my mom and me that scared the Heebie-jeebies out of us, but as dad adviced,  we should be grateful that we are safe.  We should praise and thank the Lord and pray that nothing bad would happen to our family.

Inasmuch as I want to share more, this is getting to be long.  I'll just write another blog entry some other time.

Hasta luego!


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