Another question/other questions to ask the wind

Hours ago I read somewhere that something sad had happened.  Later I learned what that sad thing was.  Someone died.

We never had the chance to be close, but he is one of the persons I admire because he is really very talented and nice.  He just has this sincere smile on his face, and I believe he is a good person.

Here I go again...should I say was? Or is "is" OK because he no longer is bound by space and time?


Another death...another unexpected death...he was still so young. 

I really don't know the details yet, but I cried hard again.  I learned about his death just minutes before a friend of mine visited me, but I was only able to cry when she left.

I was supposed to be out with some friends celebrating somewhere in the vicinity, but we decided to take a rain check. If I was there with my other friends, my friend, who is always welcome here(there are still a lot to be done "here", so there are only a few people that we allow to enter), but came unannounced, wouldn't be able to tell me about the "good" news---it was a blessing in disguise.  I had a good talk with her.  When she left, I started writing or thinking about writing this "piece" while the fire works were making all those loud noises.  I don't have any idea if the fireworks were beautiful or not, but they were definitely loud because this room is supposed to be kind of soundproof.

I cry(yes, I am crying while typing this) because he might've died not because of natural causes.  If so, I could only wonder why. There are many thoughts rambling inside of me, but I wouldn't write about them here.  I am so broken hearted, but I will really just ask the wind or I would just write my questions on water.

Thankfully, we no longer live during the time of Bram Stoker.
I cannot...


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