Why haven't I learned anything from this wonderful book I'm reading?

Somewhere in the blog entry before this one, I wrote that I haven't finished reading the book seen above so I did not write it on my other blog about being an observer and not a critic.  Honestly, I am still not done, but thankfully, I have processed a LOT already.  Although I don't agree with everything he says, he really makes a lot of sense. So, it's not that I haven't really learned anything.  The truth is, I sort of learned the subtle art already, but somehow I unlearned it in the very recent past.

Well, it's impossible not to care about anything.  One way or another you care about something or someone, but that's not what the book is all about.  

It comes back to how, in reality, there is no such thing as not giving a single f*ck.  It's impossible.  We must all give a f*ck about something.  To not give a f*ck about anything is still to give a f*ck about *something*. (Page 95, paperback edition)  

If you want a good review of the book, please click THIS.  ;-)

Anyways, in the very recent past I was in a good mood.  In one of the events I was in that day I was happily minding my own business.  I also was glad to be able to bond with people I care about.   Earlier on I was very happy that even if this person I USED TO LOVE is not yet a friend, we could peacefully coexist and laugh along with our group as fellow human beings.   I was so happy that there could be peace on earth...or at least between the two of us.  Everything was going along fine until that day.  One of my friends and I were about to leave that event when I saw that some things were not fixed that I decided to go back and fix them.  I did not notice him standing there.  He started to leave and it looked like he thought I was a mosquito that was a carrier of malaria or dengue or whatever.  

I couldn't help it.  I know that NOBODY can make you feel inferior IF YOU WON'T LET THEM, but at that moment I felt small, but because of my pride I burst in anger, hopefully not too loud because I didn't want to make a scene, that I don't bite etc.  I was really so angry.  I was boiling mad.  It affected my breathing AGAIN. Argh.

Anyways, to cut the long story short, now I am sort of fine.

I will have a great day and I will cheerfully serve GOD, bond with my family etc.

(Please God, please give me and my loved ones PLEASANT surprises.)

As for that guy that I USED TO LOVE, my offer of friendship is still good.  It's up to him.  For now, we're back to JUST coexisting, but if he doesn't want anything to do with me, so be it.

Thanks for your time in reading this seemingly shallow blog entry.


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